
Monday, June 9, 2014

Girls Trip - Grand Cayman

*I created this post and thought the pictures pretty much summed up the story of our trip.  And then I remembered there was a sober, pregnant beauty with us who could probably recall some details my tequila induced haze might have left out.  So here is our Grand Cayman trip, as bohoJulia recalls it.

I decided to jump on board the second annual girls trip this year, because being around a bunch of super hot, in-shape girls in bikini's is what every 6.5 month pregnant girl should do, absolute genius.

Fortunately for me, as insecure as I found myself that first day pulling out my bikini (it matched DACIA, kill me), it quickly changed to embracing every inch of that baby bump and my varicose veins because these girls made me feel so special and hot and proud to be big and preggers, even when I ordered almost $200 worth of fried foods by the beach.  So what, I'm eating for two, and damn those crab fritters were good!

This year the girls chose Grand Cayman for their beautiful white sand beaches and crystal clear warm blue water.  It was heavenly!  What I wasn't expecting was the food to be so absolutely AMAZING.  We had the best dinners every night, simply grilled fish, prawns stuffed with crab meat, seafood pastas that would knock your socks off, and of course great vino.

We took a catamaran to see the very popular sting rays and were scared out of our minds. I'm not kidding.  It's really difficult to switch your brain over when you have heard your ENTIRE life to shuffle your feet to avoid them, and now all of a sudden we are supposed to be cool with 4ft & 5ft WILD sting rays?  I don't think so.  Hello?! Steve Erwin ring a bell??  We were jumping on whatever poor stranger was standing next to us and screaming like little girls.  Thank goodness we were in the water because it wasn't until about the 10th person I jumped on that I remembered I was packing an extra 20 pounds!

The best was seeing the girls completely let loose and get back to the roots of our friendships, which happens to be getting wasted together and acting absolutely crazy!  Of course I wasn't getting wasted, I was just making sure I recorded every embarrassing moment possible to share with them the next morning.  A little payback for any embarrassing moment I had to endure at dinner after their 5th bottle of vino and loud mouths.  Oh I love these girls.  I laughed so hard so many times and when I wasn't taking care of them they were always taking care of me.

Next year, I seriously doubt anyone will be pregnant, so let me apologize now to my Instagram followers, as you will not get video gold like this again. Ahhh good times.

love, Boolie

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